Extraordinary Full Council Meeting

An Extraordinary Meeting has been called on Monday 25th November at 7pm at the Margery Wheatley Pavilion. Members will consider the proposal that the Parish Council apply for a Public Works Loan Board loan to cover the shortfall in funding for the upgrade and extension of the Margery Wheatley Pavilion.

November News

Headley Parish Council was delighted to present the first-ever Allotment Awards this year, recognising the dedication and hard work of plot holders at Headley Allotments. The awards were presented during the Annual General Meeting of the Headley Allotment Holders Association, held on 17th October. The awards were presented by Councillor Anthony Williams, Chairman of Headley…

Last chance to have your say on the Headley Sports Pavilion Consultation

Headley Parish Council (HPC) is working on a major project to improve the Margery Wheatley Pavilion and the Mill Lane Playing Fields for future generations. So far we have secured funding totalling £975,000 and have already provided three new Junior football pitches. Since this project began, construction costs have risen considerably and this has led…

Headley Allotment Awards

Headley Parish Council was delighted to present the first-ever Allotment Awards this year, recognising the dedication and hard work of plot holders at Headley Allotments. The awards were presented during the Annual General Meeting of the Headley Allotment Holders Association, held on 17th October. The awards were presented by Councillor Anthony Williams, Chairman of Headley…

Bordon Tip to Stay Open

Hampshire County Council considered the proposal to close the HWRCs in Tier 3 and Tier 4 at this morning’s meeting. The Cabinet did not agree to any of the closures. Thanks to all our local Councillors who have worked so hard towards this.

EHDC Bin Update

New bin calendars begin tomorrow Bin calendars for October 2024 to September 2025 begin tomorrow (Tuesday 1 October). You can download your new calendar through our website. Find your calendar Fortnightly glass collections from 1 October 2024 From Tuesday, household glass collections will double from every four weeks to fortnightly. The new calendars include these…

Pond Meeting – 30th September

The Fullers Vale Wildlife Pond Association are holding their first Community Kick-off Meeting on Monday 30th September at 8pm in the Headley Village Hall. After introductions and welcome, there will be a history of the pond and a report on the pond and planned activities. There will be the opportunity to ask questions. Do come…

Public Consultation on Headley Playing Fields and Sports Pavilion

Headley Parish Council (HPC) is working on a major project to improve the Margery Wheatley Pavilion and the Mill Lane Playing Fields for future generations. So far we have secured funding totalling £975,000 and have already provided three new Junior football pitches. Since this project began, construction costs have risen considerably and this has led…

Changes to glass collections from 1 October

Changes to glass collections from 1 October 2024 Household glass collections in East Hampshire will be every two weeks from 1 October. We’ll also start removing bottle banks in October and remove them completely by January 2025. Find out more about the changes Fortnightly glass collections From Tuesday 1 October 2024, glass collections from homes…

Allotment Balancing Pond Installation Underway with Support from EHDC Funding

Headley Parish Council is delighted to confirm that works are underway to install a ‘balancing’ pond and French drains at the Headley Allotments.  There has been a problem with flooding at one end of the allotments for some time.  Consultation with an ecological contractor resulted in a solution to install a natural (balancing) pond in…