Allotment Balancing Pond Installation Underway with Support from EHDC Funding
Headley Parish Council is delighted to confirm that works are underway to install a ‘balancing’ pond and French drains at the Headley Allotments. There has been a problem with flooding at one end of the allotments for some time. Consultation with an ecological contractor resulted in a solution to install a natural (balancing) pond in an unused area of the allotments and a French drain network to drain the surrounding area.
We were awarded funding for the project from East Hampshire District Council with the bulk of the funding coming from the S106 Developers Contribution Environmental Fund – £12,898.00. District Councillors Anthony Williams and Richard Millard topped up the remaining amount of just over £1,500.
The main pond is lined to create a year-round pond and is surrounded by gently sloping edges for increased water capacity when we have heavy rainfall.
The contractor, Morton Pattison came up with planting and seeding scheme which will increase plant diversity and associated insect species which in turn, will assist mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds. Morton Pattison will be completing the planting in the next week or two. The pond will be seeded with wildflowers and the banked areas around the pond will be seed with tussocky wildflower mix. In the more shaded areas, a mixture of woodland wildflowers and grasses will be sown. They will take a little while to be established but the end result will provide a visual treat and a haven for pollinators.
District Councillor and Chairman of Headley Parish Council Anthony Williams commented “I am very pleased that the District Council, through a combination of grants from Councillor Richard Millard and myself plus S106 funding, has enabled the construction of a balancing pond at the Headley Allotments in the Liphook Road. The pond will alleviate the drainage problems that have affected adjacent plots and will enhance plant, insect and bird biodiversity as well as being a visual amenity to by enjoyed by all plot holders. I commend our contractors who have carried out the works to a high standard”.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact the Clerk Val Prichard (
District Councillor and Chairman of Headley Parish Council Anthony Williams and Cllr Peter Ellens visit the site (below)