Allotment Balancing Pond Installation Underway with Support from EHDC Funding

Headley Parish Council is delighted to confirm that works are underway to install a ‘balancing’ pond and French drains at the Headley Allotments.  There has been a problem with flooding at one end of the allotments for some time.  Consultation with an ecological contractor resulted in a solution to install a natural (balancing) pond in…

From EHDC – Changes to Glass Collections

Smashing news! Fortnightly glass collections from October On Thursday (18 July) our Cabinet agreed plans which will make glass recycling much easier for residents and solve the problem of overflowing bottle banks. Find out more about the changes From October 2024, glass collections from households will double from every four weeks to fortnightly. This will…

Defibrillator Update

Unfortunately, the defibrillator in the telephone box by The Holly Bush has had to be removed for repair. We hope to have it back in working order very quickly. The nearest defibrillator is located at The Village Hall, Arford Road or at One Stop, Headley Down. The relevant authorities have been informed. The interactive map…

Award for Rita Stubbings, Parish Councillor for Over 22 Years

Rita Stubbings with Cllr Anthony Williams The Parish Council was delighted to present an award to Rita Stubbings, a long-standing Councillor who has stepped down after over 22 years of service to the Council.  Her expertise has been invaluable and much appreciated by all over the years.

Photo ID – Apply Now

Apply now for photo ID for the July general election If you’re planning to vote in person in the 4 July general election and don’t have an appropriate form of photo ID already, you need to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate now. Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate These certificates or another form of…

April Update

The recent spell of warm weather has meant that the many trees in the village are bursting into leaf. The chestnut tree in the triangle opposite the Holly Bush looks particularly lovely, and on a smaller scale, the fruit trees we planted on the Village Green will shortly be in blossom. We look forward to…

New Councillor Gets Straight to Work

Headley Parish Council would like to welcome newly co-opted Councillor Stephen Thair.  Stephen lives in Headley Down and is semi-retired after a long career in IT.  He is passionate about building resilient communities, particularly with respect to health and first aid provision.  Stephen volunteers with St John Ambulance and is the unit manager of the…

Upcoming Roadworks on Smithfield Lane

As part of their annual Planned Maintenance programme, Hampshire Highways will shortly be undertaking carriageway surface treatment along Smithfield Lane, Headley, from Churt Road to Frensham Lane. The works are currently programmed to start on Thursday 2nd May 2024 and are expected to take 10 days to complete. During this time the road will be closed…

Councillor Vacancy

Become a Parish Councillor and have a say in where you live. If you live or work in the Parish, could you be part of a team of 12 Councillors? You would need to attend at least one meeting each month on a Monday evening and have an interest in local issues. Would you like…