
The Planning Process

All planning applications in the Parish should be submitted direct to East Hampshire District Council’s planning department.

The Parish Council has a planning committee made up of a number of the Parish Council members. They meet once every month, normally on the first Monday of the month. Meetings are held within the parish as indicated on the agenda.

The Planning Committee does not have any power to Permit or Refuse an application. Its task is more of an advisory one. Using their local knowledge of the area, they are there to take a look at each application and then use our experience to advise East Hampshire’s Planning Officers of our thoughts. We may object to certain parts of an application for instance, based on its location or style. However, our objection is just advice for the Planning Officers, the final decision always lies with them.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the planning meetings. If doing so, it’s helpful if you can let the office know in advance. After the planning committee discusses each application, the public are allowed a short amount of time to add any comments for or against the application. The members then vote on their decision, which is written into the minutes of the meeting and sent to East Hants Planning Office.

Upcoming Planning Agenda

Current applications that the committee is considering can be found on the Planning Agenda issued before each meeting. A full list of current Agendas can be found here.

Useful Planning Resources

Help with Planning – Planning Portal

The online planning portal is a great place to find out more information regarding whether you need planning permission or not. Help and advice is also available on the East Hants planning website.

Planning Alerts

This is an independent service that links to all the councils in the UK and gives free alerts for an area within 1/4 mile of your home. It’s free to sign up and is useful to be alerted to planning applications near your home that you would not otherwise be notified about. It can give alerts for a wider area, but they charge a small fee for that additional feature. Sign up here: