Committees & Meetings
All Council meetings were normally held at Headley Village Hall, Arford Road at 7.30pm. However, since Covid meetings have been temporarily moved to either Headley Village Hall or The Church Centre, High Street, Headley. Check the relevant Agenda to confirm location of the meeting.
A full list of agendas and minutes of previous meetings can be found by clicking the relevant YEAR link below. All meetings are open to the public and press apart from in exceptional circumstances, when confidential matters are discussed.
Current Years Meetings 2025
Previous Years Meetings
Full Council
Full Council meets on the second Monday of the month. It is responsible for setting an annual budget and precept, monitoring the Council’s finances including the end of year accounts, managing the appointment of external contractors, formulating comments on a wide range of consultations, receiving reports and where appropriate making representation to relevant bodies including East Hants District Council and Hampshire County Council. The Parish Council organise and host a meeting for residents living in the Parish once a year called the Annual Parish Meeting. The Council’s annual meeting (AGM) is held in May where Councillors select the Chairman and Vice Chairman, agree Councillor representatives on outside organisations and set the Council’s priorities for the year.
Planning Committee
The Planning Committee meets on the first Monday of the month. The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all planning applications in the Parish which includes tree applications. At its meetings the Committee reviews each application. It formulates and agrees its comments to forward to East Hampshire District Council who is the Local Planning Authority and makes the decision on all planning applications.
Finance & Policy Panel
The Finance & Policy Panel meets three times a year and oversees the financial affairs of the Council and ensures that all financial matters are dealt with in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations. Additionally, it oversees the development and review of the Council’s key policies, considers complaints against the Council or employees and will co-ordinate and oversee the recruitment of employees.
Terms of Reference for the Finance & Policy Panel can be found here
Allotments Advisory Group
The Allotments Advisory Group is made up of representative allotment holders and Parish Councillors. They meet twice a year.
Memorandum of Understanding between Headley Parish Council and Headley Allotment Holders Association can be found here