November News
Headley Parish Council was delighted to present the first-ever Allotment Awards this year, recognising the dedication and hard work of plot holders at Headley Allotments. The awards were presented during the Annual General Meeting of the Headley Allotment Holders Association, held on 17th October.
The awards were presented by Councillor Anthony Williams, Chairman of Headley Parish Council. Three awards were presented: Best Plot, Best Newcomer, and Most Improved Plot. The event was a fantastic opportunity to shine a spotlight on the efforts of the local gardening community of the Parish, and to celebrate some of the best plots.
Headley Parish Council looks forward to seeing what the 2025 growing season will bring, as the allotment community continues to thrive.

Barry Ford, Winner of the Best Plot Award with Chairman, Cllr Anthony Williams
In other news, the war memorial in Headley has recently undergone a thorough cleaning and repair, restoring it to its former glory. This restoration took place just in time for the annual Remembrance Day ceremony, where Councillor Mark Johnson laid a wreath on behalf of Headley Parish Council.

The next Full Council meeting will be held on the 9th December at 7.30pm in Headley Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend.