Supporting Communities Fund

The Supporting Communities Fund is a £1million grant fund launched by East Hampshire District Council in 2019 to support community groups and organisations in the District. The Supporting Communities Fund 2021 will open for applications on Thursday 1st April and close at 5pm on Monday 31st May 2021. Organisations can apply to this fund for both revenue (on-going) and capital (one-off) costs. For revenue applications the limit is £10,000 per annum (for up to 3 years) and for capital applications the maximum request is £25,000. 

There are three outcomes the Council is aiming to support with this fund and they are:  

1. Supporting positive mental health in residents, in particular young people;

2. Reducing social isolation in residents, in particular older people;

3. Supporting the community to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

The application form to apply for this grant will be available on the EHDC website on 1st April. Applications to the Supporting Communities Fund should be sent to Applications will not be reviewed until the application window has closed at the end of May. 

For further information on this grant, please visit the EHDC website using the link below, application forms will be added to the website on 1st April. 

If you would like support completing an application form, please contact Gary Davis from Community First who will be able to assist, Gary’s email address is

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