Councillor Community Grant Scheme
The Councillor Community Grant Scheme is a budget of £4,500 allocated to each District Councillor to support voluntary and not for profit organisations that benefit their ward. The scheme has been set up to contribute towards specific projects and should not be used to cover running costs or salaries. Grants of up to £1,000 can be awarded per project, per Councillor.
Following our Climate Emergency declaration in 2019, £1,000 of the allocated budgets must be spent on environmental projects. The criteria for these environmental grants are:
– Reinforce and implement plans & strategies which support low – carbon transport alternatives
– Improve energy efficiency within Community Facilities
– Increase and maintain trees / plants / greenery in the local area
– Promote climate crisis messages and awareness to the public
– Has a direct benefit to the environment Councillor grants are awarded on a first come first served basis, with a final deadline for applications on 28th February 2022. Please contact your local District Councillor to discuss your project if you are interested in applying for this funding. A list of all the District Councillors and their wards is available on the EHDC website here:
For further information on grant, please visit the EHDC website using the link below, application forms will be added to the website on 1st April.
If you would like support completing an application form, please contact Gary Davis from Community First who will be able to assist, Gary’s email address is