Donna Jones, Police & Crime Commissioner -Hampshire & The Isle of Wight

The Chairman of the Parish Council has received the following letter from the Police & Crime Commissioner and wished to share it with residents. There is an opportunity to answer a survey by the Commissioner.

Since being elected in May 2021 as the new Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, I have hit the ground running. As I reach the end of my first 100 days in office, I am pleased to provide an update on the actions I have taken so far and to ensure you have my contact details.

I have been spending time with police officers, partners and speaking with the public to ensure they know I am a Commissioner who will listen to them and take action. I have had my first meeting with the Police and Crime Panel and have met with council leaders and MPs to ensure that I represent local concerns to leaders across the Hampshire constabulary policing area.

I pledged to recruit 600 new police officers by the end of 2023 and 302 new police officers have already been recruited so far from the Government’s officer uplift. They will be more visible and out on local streets keeping residents safer. I have started a review into call handling to identify ways to make the service more customer-focused so that when people report a crime they are kept updated on progress.

Residents told me they are concerned about the rise of anti-social behaviour in their local communities and I have already set up an ASB task force to bring together police, local authorities and partners to tackle local problems. I have also met with the rural policing team to see how drones are being used to crack down on organised crime and I am being a voice for rural communities on crimes in their local communities.

I have been appointed at the national lead for victims across England and Wales, standing up for victims’ rights at a national as well as local level, ensuring their voice is heard and their needs are at the heart of national debate and policy on policing. I am focused in sustainably improving the service victims receive from the criminal justice system, particularly victims of rape and serious sexual violence, by taking over as Chair of the Local Criminal Justice Board, and will push for improvements in the criminal justice system. I have also been appointed as national lead for Serious Organised Crime, ensuring Regional Organised Crime Units are supported to develop specialist capabilities, such as forensics, to work effectively on behalf of the public locally, regionally and nationally.

I have secured and issued substantial national funding to local projects to support victims and reduce crime. This includes cash for two Violence Reduction Unit projects to tackle the root causes of violence and prevent young people from getting involved in crime, funding to stop the cycle of abuse at an early age by working with families and young people demonstrating abusive behaviours and funding to support victims of male rape.

Looking ahead to the next 100 days, I will launching the consultation on the priorities in my ‘More Police, Safer Streets’ Police and Crime Plan. The priorities in the draft Plan have been developed based on what local residents have told me what concerns them the most and what they want the police to be doing to make them safer. I would like to invite you to share your thoughts on my priorities through the survey here and please also let your residents know my priorities are out for consultation.

With best wishes
Donna Jones
Police & Crime Commissioner

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