Crime Prevention Bulletin August 2021
Hampshire Constabulary bulletin
Hampshire Constabulary bulletin
Please can we request that the individual who is leaving bin bags of dirty adult nappies next to the public waste bin at the small car park off Crabtree Lane stop this. This is costing rate payers additional money and is a health hazard to all. You can dispose of this waste within your normal…
Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones is urging residents to share their views in the annual police budget precept consultation. The Government is giving Police and Crime Commissioners the flexibility to increase the policing precept of the council tax in 2022 by £10 per year (based on a Band D property), to fund the increasing…
Short delay in completing works on Caker Lane The works on Cake Lane (B3004) were due to complete by 3 March but are taking a little longer to complete. The team is working as quickly as possible to finish the works and anticipate they will complete by Sunday 10 March. Caker Lane will then reopen…
Hampshire Police are appealing for witnesses after a woman was sexually assaulted at Headley Village Green, Bordon. The incident happened at around 7pm on Sunday, 20 June. The victim, a 20-year-old woman, was walking her dog on a dirt track at the back of Headley Village Green when an unknown man grabbed her arm and…
Headley Parish Council is delighted to have received confirmation that all 3 funding bids they submitted for works at Headley Sports Pavilion and Playing Fields have been successful. The Parish Council applied to the Section 106 Communities Facilities Fund and was awarded £300,000 towards the Headley Sport Pavilion refurbishment. The EHDC CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy)…
How would your community cope in an emergency? Get guidance and advice on responding to emergencies at our special event Find out how to co-ordinate a community response to a crisis at East Hampshire District Council’s Community Resilience Event. The event is being held at Petersfield Festival Hall, this Thursday, (27 April) from 6-9pm. Reserve…
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