April Update

The recent spell of warm weather has meant that the many trees in the village are bursting into leaf. The chestnut tree in the triangle opposite the Holly Bush looks particularly lovely, and on a smaller scale, the fruit trees we planted on the Village Green will shortly be in blossom. We look forward to seeing how many of the flowers in the Wildflower Meadow will bloom this year.

We were delighted to hear that the Bowls Club has completed the installation of their new Cabin/office.  The Parish Council helped fund the project and members of the Bowls Club have worked hard over the winter months to put it up.  Just in time for the opening of the season on Sunday 14th April.  It really does look fantastic.

There have been strange goings-on at the Village Green.  A resident alerted us to numerous large holes which had been dug out of the ground on Headley Green, causing a real mess, most likely as a result of excavations after the use of a metal detector. Chairman, Cllr Anthony Williams did a great job of trying to repair the damage.  However, we really hope this doesn’t happen again as it is potentially dangerous and spoils our lovely Village Green.  

Cllr Williams repairing the damage

We have had several residents wishing to report overgrown hedges, road sweeping requirements, blocked drains, potholes etc but unfortunately, the Parish Council has no control over these matters.

If you wish to report any of the above, this needs to be completed online to Hampshire County Council at this link  https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/roadproblems. Hampshire County Council will not undertake road sweeping or drain clearance unless they receive a request or notification.

The next Full Council meeting will be held on Monday 13th May at the Village Hall.  Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 20th May at the Marjorie Wheatley Pavilion.  This is a meeting for the local electorate so please do come and find out what your Parish Council has been doing and their future plans.

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