Tackling loneliness together in Hampshire

Loneliness can affect anyone at any point in their lives. Whether you are new to the area, or looking for people with similar interests, finding a group can be a big step for some of us, but it will help you feel more connected to others, which is good for mental wellbeing. You can find lists of activities and groups where you can meet new people and make friends on our Connect to Support Hampshire website, particularly for the over 65s. https://www.connecttosupporthampshire.org.uk/stayingindependent

Take time, whether it’s 5 minutes or an hour, to reach out to others who may be feeling lonely – it may be harder for them to make the first move. A chat or a smile can make a big difference 😊 Explore simple ways to connect with friends, family and neighbours so that we can support each other to stay connected https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/publichealth/fivewaystowellbeing

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