Village Greens
Headley Village Green

The Village Green is roughly 1.3 hectares in size, served by two free car parks. There is an enclosed children’s play area consisting of a Multi-Play unit, sand pit and springers. On the far side of the green near the village hall is a climbing frame and swings. There is also a practice basketball hoop. There are picnic benches and bins around the green.
The unusual shaped stone, the “Bargate Stone” situated at the far end of the green, came from a quarry at Standford. It was to commemorate the Jubilee of King George V in 1935. It was unveiled by six-year-old Dennis Chiverton, who was chosen because his birthday was nearest to the celebratory date of May 6th. The plaque from the top of the stone was damaged many years ago, and so was removed and is now mounted in the foyer of the Village Hall.
Our Community Orchard and Wild Flower Meadow are located on the west side of the green.
The Green is used to host different events during the year such as the fun fair and village fete and is also available to hire for private events. If you wish to use the Green for group activities please look at the policy in this link. Contact the Parish Office to enquire about hiring and using the green.
It was registered as a Village Green in 1979 (VG92). The ownership was registered with the Land Registry in 2008 including the triangle of land off Long Cross Hill. The Parish Council is Official Custodian of the land. The land is a registered Charity ‘Allotment for Recreation’ (Charity No. 301849 (1962).
Standford Green

Standford Green is in the hamlet of Standford and is located next to the B3004 in front of the site that held the old Robin Hood Pub (later called Whiteleys Restaurant). The old pub has now been demolished and has been replaced with housing. There is a set of swings located on the Green for people to use.
It is registered as a Village Green in 1972 (VG77). The ownership was registered with the Land Registry in 2008.