Local Plan Consultation Event

Headley Parish Councillors Tony Williamson, Neville Merritt and our Chairman Anthony Williams (who is also the EHDC Planning Committee Chairman) supported the first EHDC Local Plan Consultation Event on 1st February at the Whitehill & Bordon Forest Community Centre. Members of the EHDC Planning Team were in attendance to answer any questions from visitors, and there was a vast array of supporting information to help. We had a visit from Cllr Angela Glass, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Regulation & Enforcement who you can see introducing the explanatory video on the Local Plan Consultation website. If you want to find out more about what is planned for the local area and for East Hampshire generally, do visit the website. There is an opportunity to have your say for the remainder of the Consultation Period, up until 4th March 2024.

Adrian Ellis, Whitehill & Bordon Team Leader, EHDC and Cllr Anthony Williams, Chairman of Headley Parish Council (right)

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